Friday, November 14, 2008

Fucking Tourist

Yep, so today is the day. Nine months of planning and talking up what will be the greatest holiday ever.

Yes finally the day has come and I leave this evening, heading to Thailand for a month.

So how do I feel:
  • excited
  • hungry
  • apprehensive
  • hung over
  • tired
  • hungover
I feel really hung over. The idea last night was go out, have a few drinks and be home by 10pm.

What actually happened was I went out, had a lot of drinks, stumbled around in the rain, came home and had a drug cocktail of cold tablets and sleeping pills. In my drunken paranoia I was so scared that I would get a cold I thought it would be good to down some cold tablets.

So I was in bed by 3am, passed out and woke up today feeling groggy as hell and spent a good part of my morning hugging the toilet.


Thankfully I have finally packed, double checked my double checking and now just have to wait for my flight which leaves at 11:45pm. I have Valium on hand so the minute it becomes too much I can dose myself with some warm and fuzzys. It will be nice.

On a side note I am such a fucking tourist. When asian people come here with their guidebooks, maps and billion camera and take pictures of random shit like the pig outside Hog Breath, I roll my eyes. Well now the tables have turned and I will be the stupid American tourist (I realise I'm not American, but hey we all look the same to them anyway) taking pictures of all the dumb shit I see, whether its a beautiful sunset or a piece of trash on the street.

Yes with two guide books, a phrase book, five bottles of maleria pills, two bottles of hand sanatiser and three cameras I am the fucking tourist.

This time tomorrow I'll be drinking beer on a thai beach. So tomorrow when you are at work, Uni, or home alone masterbating furiously think about me and be jealous. (Actually if you are masterbating furiously please don't think about me until after, that would be weird.)

I'll talk to you all soon.

Much love and all that stuff,


P.S I am way too hung over to proof read this blog, It's a miracle I can even write.

Peace, one love.



    looks like he started early ;)

  2. haha Aidan you are a champ! have a super time!
