Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunburn from hell..


Phuket is beautiful. I am having he best adventure of my life. spent yesterday on a longtail boat, cruising around the magical islands of phuket, being canoed through caves and riding elephants.

However, the day before I walked around all day in a singlet and only put sunscreen on once, which has developed into second degree burns, or as I call it the sunburn from hell.

So now I sit wasting this beautiful day in my hotel room, leaking from my shoulders, kicking myself for my stupidity and waiting for a doctor who can hopefully speak english and not charge me a fortune.

The joys of travel, take the good with the bad I say.

Anyways I will post more when I can move my arms and see straight.

Remember, slip, slop, slap.


  1. fucccck man.
    Aw i wanna invite you to come drinkies with us at the german club so bad >_<
    miss you! i hope the sunburn has gotten better by the time you get this xo

  2. a handful of pills and a few cocktails later i felt much beter...

    and sexier :-|

  3. Holy shit
    You've been there for three days and you need to be hospitalised.

    You're beautiful =)

  4. WOW!
    sam told me about this and at first i refused to believe.
    BUT HOLY POO AIDAN! :0's like pulsating. except not.
